Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Pill Box Hike

We live in such an incredibly beautiful place! I will be sad when we leave, but that's just life in the military, right?

We are certainly blessed now that our oldest daughter is ALMOST 12. For those of you who don't understand the significance-that's BABYSITTING age! It seems like we are just extraordinarily busy with tasks at work and home, but try to sneak out once in a while for a date. A few weeks ago we left at 4:30 am to go on a sunrise hike up to the pill boxes. The pill boxes are little posts in the mountains along the coastline that served as look-out stations during WWII. They're abandoned now, but it's still interesting to visit this little piece of history.

Of course, no romantic date would be complete without an adorable baby! Here I am, sitting against one of the "pill boxes."


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