Don't you know how that happens?
Don't you know how that happens?
Don't you know how that happens?
Don't you know how that happens?
Don't you know how that happens?
Don't you know how that happens?
Don't you know how that happens?
Don't you know how that happens?
Don't you know how that happens?
Don't you know how that happens?
Don't you know how that happens?
So we conspire together, and plot what we SHOULD say. What we're GOING to say next time. And we laugh because not only are we SO funny, but we know that we are too chicken to ever utter the words out loud.
Yes, we know how that happens, and obviously we're better at it than you are.
Sure we know. Would you like some tips?
No, could you explain it to us, please?
Yes, and he's just so hot I can't help myself.
Yes, and we're just not ready to stop yet.
For a hilarious article that addresses this same topic, read Snappy Answers for People's Stupid Questions About Your Big Family by Simcha Fisher.
Q: Don't you have a TV?
A: If you think TV is better than sex, then you must be doing it wrong.